2021 Classroom Grant Recipient: Christy Welch of Mabel School

Christy Welch of Mabel School for “4th Grade Post-Secondary Success Fair.” This project will address the need for students to become more knowledgeable about the options available to them after high school, including community college, 4-year college, military and certificate programs, and to share what they’ve learned with other students and parents.

2021 Classroom Grant Recipient: Suzanne Livesay of Bethel and Valle Crucis Schools

Suzanne Livesay of Bethel and Valle Crucis Schools for “All About the Bass,” will purchase Orff instruments to be used by K-5 Music classes at both schools to create Orff ensemble experiences and explore the concepts of music – rhythm, melody, form, expression, harmony, and timbre – through the musical skills of singing, moving, playing instruments, listening, creating, and speaking.